Modules - Modules are bundles of triggers that work as custom character traits.If you wish to use already existing custom traits, take a look at the Modules section instead. Triggers Here is where you create custom traits and make changes to the Ai of your character.Body Sliders - Face sliders, Ass sliders, Thighs, Breasts, everything.Body - Custom outline colors, custom shadow colors, and bone/frame editing.Overrides only affect the current card being made. xx file with one previously extracted from another. Object Overrides - Replaces a mesh inside a.Archive Redirects - Replace any file in one.Archive Overrides - Replace any file that's stored in a pp with some other file.Mesh Overrides - Replace any texture in an xx file with a loose file.Hair - Ability to add extra hairs, with custom hair highlight for every card.Eye Texture Tab - Gives you the ability to set a different texture for the right eye.General - Make modcards, assign clothes, and make styles.Here you will be able to set various card-specific features. Scripts - Configure even more additional options.AA2Unlimited - Enable/disable many AAU Features.Graphics - Set various graphics settings.Through this you can enable or disable various AAUnlimited features. The launcher options, the AAUnlimited Maker Window, and the Poser. AAUnlimited's UI is divided into three main sections.